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CASBS @ Stanford brings together deep thinkers from diverse disciplines and communities to advance understanding of the full range of human beliefs, behaviors, interactions, and institutions. A leading incubator of human-centered knowledge, CASBS facilitates collaborations across academia, policy, industry, civil society, and government to collectively design a better future.

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Call for Nominations

CASBS & its partner Sage announce that nominations are open for the next Sage-CASBS Award, recognizing achievement in the social & behavioral sciences that advances our understanding of pressing social issues. Deadline Sept. 16.

Research Programs

Imagining Adaptive Societies

A CASBS project brings social scientists in dialogue with speculative fiction writers and their works to help imagine new and better social arrangements in the present.

Daniel Kahneman signs copies of "Thinking, Fast and Slow" in CASBS's library reading room in 2013. [CASBS files]

Daniel Kahneman, 1934-2024: CASBS Legend

The Nobel Prize winner and 1977-78 CASBS fellow forever changed the course of social and behavioral science research. The Center played a key role in shaping that legacy.

Special Event

New Building Dedicated

In fall 2023, CASBS dedicated the first new building erected on its campus since the Center opened in 1954. The event marked the culmination of a near-decade process and heralds a new era of cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Research Programs

The Social Science of Caregiving Project

A CASBS project is rethinking the philosophical, biological, psychological, political, and economic foundations of care and caregiving. It will generate a cross-disciplinary synthesis, develop a general theory of care, and inform policy discussions.

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